Intimate photos of actress Mithila and creator Iftekhar Ahmed Fahmi via social media have gone viral. From Monday evening (November 7th), some pictures were posted on several Facebook groups. Where Mithila was found in close proximity to Fahmy. It was later revealed that Fahmy's Facebook page had been hacked.
In that heat, some porn videos by Mathila-Fahmi have been circulated since Tuesday (November 7th). In fact, they have all been confirmed as fake videos.
The videos are being promoted under the name of Fahmy. Meanwhile, it is reported that Iftekhar Ahmed Fahmi is taking action to clear the hacked pages. Or who pages
Attempts to scrutinize it based on the prevailing assumptions associated with 'hacking'. Today, the hackers can be identified as well.
Fahmy is also going hard on YouTube, especially making videos with false imagery in various texts. However, since yesterday evening, both Mithila-Fahmi have been shutting down the phone. They did not comment on photos that went viral.
Meanwhile, Mithila and Tahsan were established in the media world as an ideal pair. However, due to the dissolution of their family, many people have started complaining. Following the split with Tahsan, news of Mithila's love for singer and actor John Kabir came to light.
Without getting the color of that resonance, some of Mithila's close pictures with Kolkata creator Mukherjee come to the fore. It is known that he is associated with the creator. Rob also said that soon-to-be-born Mithila will be married. Earlier, some of the offensive images of Mithila and creator Iftekhar Ahmed Fahmi went viral.
Now social media is taking over this picture of them. Many people are sharing these pictures. The popular presenter, Ambrina Sergin Ambrin, does not see Mithila's fault. Instead, he blames Fahmy for taking private moments.
The question was also why the personal moment was photographed, what is the need for it - such is the presentation of the tune. Understand now
Fahmy is a shame for you. Shame You On Fahmy. Lux-Channel I Superstar Celebrity actress and presenter Ambrin has been in Canada since the wedding. Ambrin became the mother of the girl on June 20 at a local hospital. Ambrin named his daughter Tahajib Amaya Chowdhury.